A Post-Collegiate Endurance Athletics Team Dedicated to Supporting Dreamers


Club Philosophy

  • Elmwood Athletics is dedicated towards the growth and development of post-collegiate competitive distance runners and endurance athletes in the state of Colorado and beyond.

  • We are a team of runners, endurance athletes, coaches, and enthusiasts based in Colorado Springs and beyond who are crazy about endurance sports. We see competition as the most important expression of sport, and challenge our team members to race well and race often.

    Many of our members train for and travel to races together.

    Have you ever spent any considerable amount of time shoveling snow from a track before a workout? Have you set your alarm for 2 A.M. to watch the Berlin Marathon? Then you’d probably fit right in.

  • We think too many post-collegiates do it alone.

    For many of us, the teams we’ve been on have been a family. Our goal is to foster that same level of community for those still chasing the dream after school.

    The mission of Elmwood Athletics is to support post-collegiate runners and endurance athletes within the Colorado Springs community and beyond with the logistics and means to pursue post-collegiate endurance athletics. Elmwood Athletics primarily focuses on providing a support system for post-collegiate distance runners and endurance athletes

    While endurance sports are ultimately an individual pursuit, it’s a lot more fun to have a team that’s with you along the way.

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